Biko Recipe


Filipino Style Recipe: Biko recipe is a Filipino sweet rice delicacy that’s traditionally served on every occasion specially during New Year’s Eve. It consist of sticky rice(malagkit), coconut milk(gata) and brown sugar.

Estimated time of preparation and cooking: 70-80 minutes
Good for 8-10 servings

2 cups sticky rice(malagkit)
4 cups coconut milk(gata)
2 cups brown sugar
1 1/2 cups water

Part 1
1. In a cooking pot, boil sticky rice and water and cook until the rice is done and almost dry. Set aside.
Part 2
1. In a big wok, boil the coconut milk in low heat, stir occasionally until most of the liquid evaporates and the oil separating from the milk. Continue stirring until brownish residues are formed. Drain the brownish residues and set aside. This will serve as toppings(latik) for biko.
Part 3
1. Then dilute brown sugar in the remaining oil, keep stirring until the texture becomes thick.
2. Add the cooked sticky rice in the mixture then mix well, continue cooking until all the liquid evaporates but do not overcook. Remove from heat.
3. Transfer the cooked biko in a serving plate then flatten the surface.
4. Spread the toppings over the surface and slice into serving pieces. Enjoy!