Lechon Baboy (Roast Pig)

1 whole pig (20 kilos), rinse and inside is clean and empty
10-20 bundles of lemon grass, pounded
500 grams spring onions, pounded
15 pieces bay leaves
1 kilo garlic
1 kilo onion
2-3 cups salt and pepper
evaporated milk (glaze)

Part 1
1. Pour boiling water inside pig’s belly. Drain.
2. Rub pig with salt and pepper inside and out.
3. Skewer the pig with a long bamboo.
4. Stuff the pig belly with lemon grass, spring onions, bay leaves, garlic, and onions. Secure with cooking thread.
5. Rub the skin with evaporated milk. This will make the skin red and crispy.

Part 2
1. Roast the pig slowly over hot charcoal then glaze with remaining milk from time to time.
2. Roast for 4-5 hours or until skin is red and crispy, and the meat is tender.