Strawberry Milkshake

Filipino Style Recipe: Strawberry milkshake is one of the popular refreshing beverage. This beverage is made of strawberries, milk, yogurt or ice cream and cubed ice. This refreshing beverage is similar to other healthy shakes that are best to serve during summer season.

Estimated time of preparation: 5-8 minutes
Good for 4-5 glasses

400 grams fresh strawberries
2 cups yogurt or ice cream(vanilla/strawberry flavor)
1 cup fresh milk
1 cup ice cubes
1/4 cup white sugar

1. In a blender, process strawberries, milk, and ice cream until blended.
2. Add ice and sugar then blend until smooth, add more sugar if needed.
3. Pour into glasses then garnish with fresh strawberry. Serve cold.

1. You may also use yogurt as alternative to ice cream.



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