No Bake Egg Pie

Filipino Style Recipe: No bake egg pie is another delicious pastry similar to Filipino custard pie. This dish has a simple procedure and doesn’t required to use oven. The pie crust was made of crushed graham and butter while the filling was mixed with gelatin to firm. The top layer was made of caramelize sugar then spread evenly to the top of our custard pie.

Estimated time of preparation: 10-15 minutes
Estimated time of cooking: 30-40 minutes

1 pack crushed graham
a block of butter, cut into small pieces

1 big can condensed milk
1 cup fresh cream milk or evaporated milk
4 raw eggs, beaten
1 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla essence(optional)
1 teaspoon jelly powder

Sugar Glaze:
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 cup water

Part 1(Crust)
1. In a mixing bowl, combine crushed graham and butter then mix well until moist and clay-like consistency. Add more butter necessary.
2. In a molding plate, spread and press down the crust mixture up to 1/2 inch thick then refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Part 2(Filling)
1. In a large bowl, combine filling ingredients except gelatin powder then mix until well blended.
2. In a pan, pour filling mixture then add gelatin powder.
3. Simmer in a low heat while keep stirring until becomes really thick.
4. Pour and spread evenly the filling into the crust.

Part 3(Topping)
1. In a pan, dissolved sugar in water then simmer in a low heat until caramelize.
2. Pour and spread evenly the sugar mixture on top of filling. Refrigerate before serving.

1. You may also add toppings to our egg pie like crushed graham or crushed Oreo cookies.