Squash Yema

Filipino Style Recipe: Squash Yema is another popular and easy Filipino sweet delicacy that is made up of mashed squash(kalabasa) then mixed and cooked with condensed milk and egg yolks. Some added flavor like jack fruit, ground nuts or just roll it into sugar.

Estimated time of preparation: 10 minutes
Estimated time of cooking: 10-15 minutes

1/3 cup squash(kalabasa), boiled then mashed
1 big can condensed milk
3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon butter
1 Tablespoon vanilla(optional)
1/2 cup white sugar for coating(optional)

1. In a bowl, combine condensed milk, squash, egg yolks and vanilla. Mix well.
2. In a saucepan, melt butter over low heat. Add milk mixture.
3. Keep stirring for 15 minutes or until thick. Remove from heat and let it cool.
4. Shape the mixture into balls and roll in granulated sugar.
5. Repeat until all the mixture are consumed. Wrap into cellophane or put in fluted baking cups.

1. You may also add flavored like ground nuts or jack fruit.



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