Broccoli Fussili Pesto Pasta

Filipino Style Recipe:This is a very healthy dish that will surely fill up your tummy. The spice from the tuna and freshness of pesto and basil is a very nice contrast.

200 grams whole wheat Fusilli pasta
1 head broccoli
2 tablespoon Olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 head onion, minced
1 can spicy tuna, drained
3 tablespoon sliced black olives
10 pieces cherry tomatoes, cut in half
180 grams pesto sauce
Handful fresh basil,chopped
Parmesan cheese
Fish sauce to taste

Part 1
1. Cook fusilli according to package instruction. Drain and reserve water. Set aside.
2. Using then water from the pasta, boil again and blanch broccoli for 1 minute or until the color green becomes bright. Drain and dip into a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking.
Part 2
1. In a big pan, heat olive oil and saute garlic and onion until translucent. Add sliced black olives and tuna and cook for 3 minutes. Add cherry tomatoes and cook again until it is slightly softened.
2. Add the pasta on the pan then pour the pesto sauce. Mix until the pesto is evenly combined with the pasta.Add the broccoli.
3. Season with fish sauce according to taste.
4. Remove from heat. Top with fresh basil and Parmesan cheese. Serve and enjoy.



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