Chicken Ala Pobre

500 grams chicken fillet, cut into serving pieces
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce or liquid seasoning
2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1 head garlic, peeled and chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

1. In a large bowl, combine chicken, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and ground pepper then marinate for 15 minutes.
2. In a pan, heat oil then stir fry garlic until browned. Drain and set aside.
3. In a same pan, fry chicken for 4 minutes or until golden brown. Drain and set aside.
4. In a same pan, pour the marinade then bring to boil.
5. Put back the chicken then toss until the sauce is reduced.
6. Transfer to serving plate then top with toasted garlic.

Fish Fillet Ala Pobre with Tomato-Mango Salsa

Filipino Style Recipe: Fish fillet ala pobre with tomato-mango salsa is an easy and simple dish made of fried fish fillet topped with fried garlic and tomato-mango mixture. I got this idea from one of the morning show when a popular catering Chef executed on how to make this dish.

Estimated time of preparation and cooking: 20-30 minutes
Good for 4 servings

4 pieces fish fillet (tilapia, salmon, snapper)
1 head garlic, grind
1/4 cup butter
2 tablespoons soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste
canola oil for frying

Tomato-Mango Salsa:
4 pieces tomatoes(kamatis), cut into small pieces
1 medium-sized green mango(mangga), cut into small pieces
1 onion, cut into small pieces
1/4 cup soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

1 tablespoon tomato sauce(optional)
1 green bell pepper, cut into small pieces(optional)
1 tablespoon chopped parsley(optional)

1. Season fish fillet with salt and pepper then fry until light brown.
2. Drain on paper towel then transfer to serving plate.

Part 2
1. In a bowl, combine tomato-mango salsa ingredients then stir well. Set aside.

Part 3
1. In a same pan, reduce oil then saute garlic until light brown.
2. Add butter and soy sauce then stir until butter is melted.
3. Pour the sauce over fish fillet then serve with tomato-mango salsa.